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Real-time marketing is becoming more important than ever. Where we once planned for business campaigns ahead of time, it’s now more constructive to act in real-time. This year, look for these logo design trends that will take your business logo to another level.
Honest and Simple: Short, sweet and simple is in right now. Consumers like being able to look at a product and know what it has to offer in the first glance. Terms like ‘honest,’ ‘healthy,’ ‘wholesome’ or ‘simply’ are great words to add to these logos.
Watercolors: Everyone enjoys a dash of color, and watercolors are stylish and bright. Look for watercolors that leave behind splatters of paint for added color and personality.
Optical Illusions: What grabs your attention more than an optical illusion? These fun illusions are being used by more companies to draw in interest while being simple and unique. Next time you see a moiré, take the time to notice the brand name.
Geometric Shapes – Whether it’s mosaic-like patterns or solid boxes, geometric shapes are becoming the new standard for business logos. The advantage is that shapes are simple yet functional and leave room for color and fun.
Icons – Icons dominate in the app marketplace and have slowly crept into branding a logo. All you need is a sleek and stylish icon to download an app onto your mobile device, and we’ll surely be seeing more of this type of branding in 2013.
Overlays – Overlays and opacity are great ways to change a simple logo into something more fun and elegant. Since you can add a combination of color, overlays are also a great way to instill positive feelings about your brand.
Cool Fonts – Okay, so cool fonts have always been around, but they’re becoming even cooler. There are hundreds of fonts to choose from, and this small detail in itself can make a business logo stand apart from the rest.
These are just some of the most popular trends that we can expect to see in 2013. Also look for plant-inspired logos that signify growth and nature, color-coordinated compound words and crazy spokes and nodes that have a science-like feel to them. What logos are you seeing out there?
Blog sponsored by: Great Atlantic OutfittersÂ
Photo c/o: evobranined