Great Atlantic Outfitters: (904) 722-0196

January 10, 2014

Choosing a Theme for Your Promotional Products Campaign

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Choosing a theme for your promotional products campaign can be a difficult task. Not only can it make or break your campaign, but also it will affect how people view your brand. If the campaign doesn’t go well, you could be left with an overflow of promotional products, and this isn’t putting your advertising budget to good use. Let’s discuss some helpful tips for choosing an awesome theme for your promotional products campaign.

Identify the Purpose of Your Campaign

Think about the goals you want your campaign to accomplish. Do you want to get the name of your business out there? Do you want to reward employees within the workplace? Are you putting on a fundraiser? When you clearly define what your goals are, you can think of a theme that complements this mission.

Know Who Your Target Audience Is

What group of people are you marketing to? Think about their lives, not just a general role, such as employee or consumer. Is your target audience parents? Commuters? Students? By knowing who you are marketing to, you can think of a theme that will appeal to this group. For instance, parents enjoy anything that makes their kids happy and quiet, while commuters prefer products that will make their long ride more enjoyable.

Use Trending Topics as a Guide

Which campaigns are doing well? Do you notice a trend among them? For instance, short and simple does it today – just take a look at how well the “Got Milk” campaigns have done. Your promotional products campaign should be unique, but it should also fit within the marketing landscape. Hashtags are an example of a current marketing trend that could give your theme more exposure on social media.

Consider the Season

You can give your campaign additional leverage if you make it fit within a particular season. Football season, for example, draws in plenty of fans, and they are more open to campaigns related to the sport. When launching your campaign, think about the season and what themes will embrace it.

When you have figured out what your theme is going to be, you can then choose the best products to complete your vision!

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